Federal Register Notices
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP)
August 12, 2016
BroadbandUSA Webinar Series
NTIA will host a series of webinars on a monthly basis to engage the public and stakeholders with information to accelerate broadband access, improve digital inclusion, strengthen broadband policies, and support local community priorities. The webinar series will provide an ongoing source of information on the range of topics and issues being addressed by BroadbandUSA, including best practices for improving broadband deployment, digital literacy, and e-government. The webinars will be held on the third Wednesday of every month, beginning August 17, 2016 and continuing through January 19, 2017. Details on specific webinar topics and webinar registration information will be posted on the BroadbandUSA Web site http://www2.ntia.doc.gov/ under Events. Powerpoint slides and transcripts of the webinars will be posted on the Web site within seven days following the live webinar.
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March 24, 2010
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program Extension of Application Closing Deadline for Comprehensive Community Infrastructure (CCI) Projects.
NTIA announces that the new application closing deadline for the electronic submission of CCI projects under the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) is extended until March 26, 2010.
(Acrobat PDF 199 Kb)
March 2, 2010
Extension of Application Closing Deadline for Comprehensive Community Infrastructure (CCI) Projects.
NTIA announces that the closing deadline for the submission of applications for Comprehensive Community Infrastructure (CCI) projects under the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) is extended until 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on March 26, 2010. There are no changes to the application filing window for Public Computer Center (PCC) and Sustainable Broadband Adoption (SBA) projects.
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January 22, 2010
Notice of Funds Availability and solicitation of applications for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program.
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November 16, 2009
Rural Utilities Service (RUS) and National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Joint Request for Information
RUS and NTIA released a joint Request for Information (RFI) seeking comment on further implementation of the Broadband Initiatives Program (BIP) and the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP). Comments must be received by November 30, 2009. The input the agencies expect to receive from this process is intended to inform the second round of funding.
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August 18, 2009
Broadband Initiatives Program (BIP) and Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Extension of Application Closing Deadline for Pending Electronic Applications
U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Utility Service (RUS) and Commerce's NTIA announced that the application closing deadline for BIP and BTOP is extended until 5 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on August 20, 2009, for any electronic applications pending as of 5 p.m. ET on August 14, 2009. There are no changes to the filing instructions for paper applications.(PDF 50 Kb)
July 16, 2009
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program publication of OMB control number for information collection.
Comments on the collection of information requirements in the BTOP NOFA are due by August 31, 2009.
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July 9, 2009
Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) and solicitation of applications for the Broadband Initiatives Program and Broadband Technology Opportunities Program.
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July 1, 2009
Buy American Exemption under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
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March 18, 2009
Broadband Grant Programs Meetings Clarification
As a result of the overwhelming demand from interested parties for meetings and the expedited time frames in the Recovery Act for making the broadband grant, loan, and loan guarantee funds available, NTIA will not able to accommodate all meeting requests received. The agency, however,
does reserve the right to schedule such ex parte meetings as necessary to fulfill the needs of the Broadband Grant Program.
March 12, 2009
Joint Broadband Technology Opportunities Program Request for Information
Pursuant to Section 6001 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Commerce's NTIA and Agriculture's RUS will hold a series of public meetings about the new broadband programs beginning on March 16, 2009. Through this notice, guidance is provided as to the matters to be discussed at these public meetings and the categories of information with respect to which interested parties may submit comments.
February 27, 2009
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Broadband Initiatives
NTIA, U.S. Department of Agriculture's Office of Rural Development, and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will host a public meeting on March 10, 2009, in connection with the Broadband Initiatives funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law No. 111-5.
February 24, 2009
Public Notice of Broadband Grant Programs Meetings
NTIA will begin holding meetings with interested parties on Monday, March 2, 2009, in connection with the broadband grant programs described in the Broadband Data Services Improvement Act and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. All interested parties are invited to schedule a meeting.
State Broadband Data & Development Grant Program
December 3, 2009
State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program Proposed Information Collection
The Department of Commerce (DOC), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on continuing and proposed information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104– 13 (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)). Written comments must be submitted on or before February 1, 2010.
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September 10, 2009
Clarification regarding the period of performance for awards under the State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program (Broadband Mapping Program).
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August 12, 2009
State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program Clarification.
NTIA released the following Notice clarifying the information collection requirements for the State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program (Broadband Mapping Program).
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July 8, 2009
Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program.
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