University of Wisconsin - Extension Service UWEX

Building Community Capacity through Sustainable Broadband Adoption

To address broadband capacity needs in some parts of Wisconsin, the University of Wisconsin – Extension
Service proposes to deploy a middle-mile fiber network enabling connections to a hybrid WiMAX/Wi-Fi network
in certain communities across the state. With a focus on four demonstration communities -- Platteville, Superior,
Wausau, and the Chippewa Valley region, including smaller municipalities like Rice Lake, Fall Creek and
Mondovi -- the Building Community Capacity through Broadband project intends to bolster local economic
development, educational opportunities, telehealth initiatives, and employment and job training opportunities.
For example, the project would improve communications between healthcare providers and emergency medical
services in the Eau Claire and Chippewa metropolitan areas. The network would enable greater file-sharing and
imaging capacity for the Luther Midelfort Hospital, a member of the Mayo Health System, along with 15 other
healthcare facilities.

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Reports and Documents
Award Documents