All data contained in the “BB_Service_Census Block” Simple Feature Class .CSV files as of December 31, 2012 will now contain the Field name, “ENDUSERCAT” for the End User Domain ( User). Grantees used the following codes for this category: Code 1: Residential - End User Code 1 is used if the category of end users to which broadband is made available by each broadband provider in the census block or road segment is primarily residential. Code 2: Non-Residential– End User Code 2 is used if the category of end users to which broadband is made available by each broadband provider in the census block or road segment is primarily non-residential (e.g. businesses or governments). Code 5: Does Not Distinguish between Residential and Non-Residential End User Code 5 is used if the broadband provider does not distinguish between serving primarily residential or primarily non-residential users in the census block or road segment. In limited instances, grantees included Codes 3 and 4. SBI recommends analyzing these records with the records labeled with Code 2. In limited instances, grantees labeled providers as 5 or 1, though the provider is a 2. The June 30, 2013 dataset will correct these mislabeled providers. For the current dataset, assume that MegaPath Corporation, Level 3 Communications, LLC, Integra Telecom and Midcontinent Communications providers are mislabeled if they register as a 1 or 5, and use Code 2 instead. For the purpose of assessing services that serve residential customers, we recommend using all records labeled with a Code 1 and Code 5. Within the dataset there are limited occurrences of providers delivering the same technology to different “End Users” at different maximum advertised speeds in the same census block. In these cases, the higher of the maximum advertised speeds is shown for the combination of census block, provider and technology type. In future rounds, SBI will implement a rule in which the residential speed will take precedence over the non-residential speed, thus eliminating any non-residential upward speed bias. Approximately 70% of records include a Code. If the field is empty, that means SBI does not have end user category information for that census block, provider, technology type and maximum advertised speed combination.